Join My Mission!
Stop, Reset & Claim Your Highest Potential with my ALIGNED ACTION STEPS
My Mission
To Activate Your Holistic Health & Unleash Your Most Desired Potential with Natural Therapies, Human Design + Psychotherapy
I am a Gestalt Psychotherapist and Holistic Health Expert turned Coach and Educator. My mission is to empower 100 women to reclaim their inner & outer health while embracing ageless vitality. Together, we will elevate your life force, reach your fullest potential, and trust your highest self.
I aim to accelerate your ageless vitality naturally by guiding you to focus on yourself and pursue your passions through my holistic transformation system. This system includes education, expanding self-awareness, and support, providing a soulful journey back to self-fullness and a desire to shine brightly in the world.
It’s not selfish to want to find and stay in your sweet spot!
Let’s do this, ladies!
Ready to stop, regroup & reset in a way you never thought possible?
Do you feel ready for more & ready to take action?
Can you say yes to nailing the area of your life that you have yet to master?
Are you ready to get a new education, and to fill in the gaps that have been the missing link for you?
Ready to action your dreams & desires?
To move into more alignment with what you need?
To live & work in flow with life?
Transition from stress and pressure to fulfillment, wholeness and joy?
Committed to personal growth, eager to unlock your integral genius and ignite higher inspiration?
Learn new ways to show up for yourself that you have never tried before?
Welcome to my transformational GLOW GETTER world where you will rise in natural health, and ageless vitality…
I coach self-loving women to ascend through my groundbreaking system, designed to reset & realign you beyond the status quo, to reclaim your MOJO & AGELESS VITALITY in harmony with the roles, responsibilities and relationships you hold so dear…with our secret sauce of ACTION STEPS right from the beginning! My programs empower you to not just RECOGNIZE but CELEBRATE your health needs while nurturing your unique relationship with all that you are.
Through the fusion of Holistic Health, Human Design, Psychotherapy, I guide you to tap into your innate truth, expression and strengths to embrace your fullest potential through reclaiming and celebrating your truest self, inside and out.
Stop and reset into YOUR higher alignment!
Contrary to past messaging and experiences, you are not designed to go it alone.
Understand your unique triggers and responses to life around you so that you can create new strategies and health habits for more. More fun! More energy! More joy! Ready to move beyond any limits of their past & into joyful connection with themselves and others in new expansive ways?
Ready to make every moment count and squeeze joy into as many moments as possible instead of just going through the motions and settling for less; giving all your energy and resources to others instead of yourself; or believing you are an island of independence & struggling while you go it alone?
Whatever your story is, your goal is the same, to activate your health and embrace ageless vitality.
And have fun…so much fun!
Join me today on a path of self-discovery, empowerment, and extraordinary self connection. You are the KEY. It's time to claim your gold & harness your life experience’s to your fullest potential to be the adventurous, joyful force you are born to be.
In Body, Mind & Spirit.
Holistic Health strategies empower you as a multidimensional authentic being, built with a powerful LIFE FORCE that continually expands as we do.
Natural Health is the foundational pillar of a joyful life. Join my masterful approach and seize my innovative strategies for understanding yourself through the lens of higher health.
With Human Design, I decode your individual, intricate blueprint, revealing the miraculous details of your true essence. Understanding your authentic self at the deepest level, you will enhance certainty, self appreciation, clarity, fulfillment, and allow you to release all that you are not and make decisions that feel healthy and correct for you. Including monetizing your true self and understanding how you are designed to operate and connect with your roles, responsibilities and relationships.
Intertwined with powerful Psychotherapy tools and insights, we delve into underlying history, patterns, beliefs, and emotions that can hold you back in an area of your life. We all have blind spots. The ability to learn and grow beyond yours is the key to reaching your unlimited potential. By sharing my (best kept secrets) skilled & effective techniques in my signature coaching programs, we break these multidimensional barriers, freeing you from self-limiting beliefs and empowering unwavering transformation through clear actionable steps.
My impact extends beyond you—I teach you how to APPLY my methods to your all of your experiences and relationships, elevating your ability to activate your connection to the power of collective potential. We unlock hidden dynamics, fostering authentic collaboration, communication, and synergy. Witness your relationships soar as you learn how to tap into your unique pulse, contributing to a more healthy and authentic world.
What do we do?
Discover joyful alignment with your unique self expression & embrace your multi layered holistic health. Understand how to yield the impactful results you desire while integrating your natural health, relationships & personal and professional realms. We are all here to impact the world in a positive way by being our authentic selves - a divine combination of our design, our life experiences, our core needs & our vocation. I give you my STEP BY STEP action steps & teach you how to do this for yourself!
My revolutionary approach is a one of a kind system that I have used to beat addiction, misalignment, toxic relationships, chronic physical pain, anxiety and self doubt.
Everything I teach & share is built upon the Foundational Pillars of my step by step system, “Your Prosperity Pathfinder”, which is a deeply personal & powerful culmination of my life’s work, education & proven practices that have supported me to go from struggling to soaring. It is the heart beat of our brand & the Life Force of all that we do here. It provides you with profound awareness and I incorporate it into our STEP BY STEP action steps & transformations tools that unlock the hidden meaning in all areas of your life, unveiling your natural gifts, talents, purpose and transforming your past into the gold of your today.
Education + Action = Success
Through my STEP BY STEP tools of transformative, gain clarity, sharpen focus, develop a successful mindset, move beyond your inner critic and limiting beliefs and be given the ACTION STEPS required to achieve your customised UNIQUE dreams & goals. I equip you with tools and knowledge to navigate the complexities of the modern landscape, supporting you to make aligned decisions with unwavering confidence. I get you actioning NEW BEGINNINGS & STARTER STEPS to take you further than you’ve been before.
We are 100% focused on Proof Of Work, meaning that we only teach what we have a proven track record of success in. I am my own primary client, meaning that every single strategy & tool I teach has been tried and tested on me first then shared with hundreds of clients with great success. We focus on tools of transformation only! I am constantly testing new limits in BodyMind connectivity & I do not settle for less. Nor should you. I am a Strategy Queen, constantly challenging the status quo with new insights & approaches for aligned impact.

Love letters from our COMMUNITY…
“I have never forgotten what you did for me and how you have helped me change my life. Forever grateful.”
“Hi gorgeous lady, I thought again of your influence on this journey-not influenced actually-more like a compass. Love to you.”
“I am grateful for Leanna’s extensive and unique knowledge and skills while supporting me with feelings of overwhelm, frustration and burnout. This program was amazing in explaining my design, focusing on my strengths and values, reconnecting to my intuition, and moving towards more alignment with my authentic self. Thank you!”
“It’s like you are looking inside me…and see me for exactly who I am and what I need. Thank you, thank you.”
“I am amazed Leanna! I’ve gotten more out of this one session with you than all the other therapy sessions combined. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“I’ve experienced so many changes in me since I saw you. I have gone from drinking every day to not even trying not to drink, I just haven’t thought about it. But when presented with it, I just didn’t feel like it.”
“It is with your help and guidance that I have allowed myself to be me! I have whole heartedly embodied my life’s purpose. I have my hobbies and I’m guilt free about dedicating the time to them. And more recently, I speak up, I don’t shy away and I practice transparency. You have been such a light for me and I’m guessing you don’t even realise.”
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We would like to acknowledge and pay our respects to the traditional Aboriginal nations and their Elders past, present and emerging, who have a rich history and deep cultural ownership, wisdom and heritage. We are grateful for the opportunity to live, work and create on their traditional lands. We recognize the important role that Indigenous peoples continue to play in shaping the culture and spirit of this beautiful country we call HOME.